Always ask, do not assume. There are many different modes of communication and it is important to always consult with your consumer to determine their preferred language or method of communication:

ASL, LSQ or another signed language

  • If possible, communicate directly in your consumer's preferred language.

ASL-English/LSQ-French interpreters and Deaf Interpreters

  • An interpreter is a professional who facilitates communication between parties who do not share the same language or mode of communication


  • An intervenor is professionally trained to provide auditory and visual information to persons who are deafblind.

Live Captioning/Closed Captioning

  • Captions should always be included on video content and live-captioning should be offered at events.

  • It is best to hire professional captioning services because auto captions are not always accurate.


  • Writing back and forth may be an acceptable way of communicating in brief interactions but for serious or lengthy meetings it is not feasible.

  • Know that, English or French may be your consumer's 2nd, 3rd or 4th language.

Lip Reading

  • Many Deaf people do not lip read and only about 30% to 45% of spoken English is readable on the lips.*